Faith Formation (Children, Youth and Families)
Our faith is central to who we are and whose we are. Faith is not just what happens on Sunday, but rather it is the foundation of who we are. Faith Formation Ministries at FLRB are committed to walk alongside children, youth and families as they grow in living, loving, and serving as Jesus did. The hope is to help faith grow and form starting at birth and carrying through all stages in life. This is lived out in four ways; discipleship, fellowship, worship and service.
Discipleship – God came to earth in the form of Jesus. The disciples spent time with Jesus learning about God. For us discipleship is the practice of digging into the Scripture and spiritual practices that Jesus taught us.
Fellowship – God created us to be in relationship, a key part of our faith are the friendships that we have with others.
Worship – God is our Creator, Redeemer and Savior God is worthy of our praise. We are called to take time to honor and worship.
Service – God loves us and therefore we love others. We show our love for God through our love for others.
This year we have a lot of opportunities for children, and youth to be part of community. We have Sunday Morning education as well as Wednesday night music, activities and faith formation. Please visit the “Children” Page or the “Youth” Page (click picture below) for more details.