Talent Show

Join us this Wednesday, February 26 at 6:00 pm for a Talent Show and Potluck Dinner. Bring a potluck item and enjoy the talents of our congregation. Questions? Email [email protected] to be put in contact with Liam.

Adult Education

Book Study: Growing Young by Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad Griffin
Sundays beginning February 9 at 9:15 am

6 Essential Strategies to help young people discover and love our church. All churches grow old; join Terry Baird as we discuss how to help our church Grow Young. *An alternative time will be set for children and youth volunteers to read and discuss the book.

Click here to buy the book from Fuller Youth Institute.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service – March 5 at 6:30 pm

A time where we remember our mortality and that “from dust we have come and to dust we shall return.”   No Youth Group on Ash Wednesday.

Wednesday Evenings During Lent – Beginning March 12

Each Wednesday in Lent, join us for dinner and worship, plus activities for children and youth.

Dinner 6:00 – 6:30 pm; Worship 6:30 pm. Lenten soup dinners are potluck style. Each week we need about 6 soups, salad, rice, and bread as well as people to help set up and clean up. Please contact Terry Baird [email protected] for more information.

Garage Sale

There will be a Garage Sale on June 13-14—more info to come soon. If you are interested in helping, please contact Vala Hallgrimson. Email ([email protected]) or call the church office (206-546-4153 x0) to be put in contact with Vala.