Direct Email and Phone Extensions

The staff of First Lutheran Richmond Beach is here to serve you.  Please contact any of us with your questions, suggestions, or requests. We will respond as quickly as possible.

Our phone number: 206-546-4153

To email, add to any of the partial emails listed.

 Staff Contact Information:

Name PositionPartial Email
(add )
John BjorgeLead Pastorpastorjohn@Ext. 106
Terry BairdFaith Formation Directorffd@Ext. 225
Joel BevingtonMusic Directormusic@Ext. 201
Leah Monroe & Kristie TimssPreschool Co-Directorspreschool@Ext. 140
Christina NicholsOffice Manageroffice@Ext. 136
Karen EwingBookkeeperparishadmin@Ext. 139
Cathy ThomasParish Nursenurse@Ext. 103
Girmai BerheFacilitiesfacilities@Ext. 220