Cathy Thomas, RN, Parish Nurse

As I write this article, I am full of love for this “Caring Home” of First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach! I love the way all of you care for each other, even in the depths of raw pain in recent tragedies. I see how you reach out, as the hands of Jesus, to hurting people! I see people who are in the “trenches” of pain and loss, and so many people are extending a caring hand and heart.

In 1 Thessalonians, chapter 2 Paul writes “we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” That so describes many of the people who are a part of First Lutheran! I hear and see people daily who care for others, who reach out to care for the church (even the church building and grounds!) We have new people coming into our church, and I see people greeting and caring for new people. We welcome you and the gifts God has blessed you with!!

There are many ways to care here at First Lutheran! There are hospitality teams, small groups and Bible studies, prayer and caring ministry groups, ministry groups for quilters, children and youth leaders, amazing music opportunities, outreach local and international, visitation and so much more… in addition we want YOU to join with us!

I invite you to enter in to this place of caring. If you have been excluded, or wounded, I would love to help by listening and apply your experiences to correct and reform our caring. If you are doubting and unsure, I’d love to hear your thoughts and share your heart! I invite you. Know God is in this place and we welcome you! May God bless the beginning of this new program year, and YOU are a part of His caring here. Let’s chat!

—Cathy Thomas, RN, Parish Nurse

Prayer Time

A Time of Prayer is held Thursdays at 10:00 am via Zoom. This is a time that we can pray for people requesting prayer and healing; we can also pray in intercession for those people not in attendance.

Monthly Cancer Support Group

This is for cancer survivors, cancer patients in treatment, newly diagnosed people and caregivers or family members who have a loved one with cancer. Join us monthly (time and date varies).

Prayer Gathering

On the first Sunday of the month you are invited to gather after Sunday worship for a time of prayer. Gather at the front of the sanctuary. Questions? Cathy Thomas, [email protected]

Questions or wish to talk? Email Cathy Thomas or call and leave her a voicemail (206-546-4153 ext 103). She will return your message.